
Late June in Edmonton

Who would ever have thought that that a post titled like this one would have the possibility of evoking thoughts of hockey? If this is what you thought, then shame on you! Why wouldn’t you think of the upcoming Edmug meeting? In the case of June, why didn’t you think of the TWO upcoming Edmug meetings?

You read right folks we’re having two great events during June! On June 27th at 5:30pm Edmug will be hosting Jean-Luc David who will be presenting a 200/300 Level talk on Atlas/Ajax. Having seen Jean-Luc’s voracious appetite for Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwiches, I can only imagine his passion for this topic.

The second event of June is happening on June 29th at 5:30pm. At this time you’ll be able to see James Kovacs speak on Enterprise Architecture. I’ve heard James speak on 64-Bit software design concerns and I’m stoked to hear him talk on anything.

So folks, book a night with the Geeks of Edmug (the nudie calendar featuring me as Mr. January is due out for a drunken summer holiday near you <shudder>). If you’re looking to get advance notice about events and promotions offered by our sponsors, drop by the Edmug registration page and sign up for future newsletters.

I’m the Igloo Coder and if you’re still fighting off the urge to vomit, I’m really sorry about the image I painted….now I have to go get a bucket for myself.