
Brownfield Application Development in .NET

Some of you may have been wondering why my blog posting has trailed off. Others will have been thanking the Gods that it has. Still more of you couldn’t care less and….ooo…look….shiny.

Over the past few months I’ve been working on the first parts of a book with Kyle Baley (baaaa-lay…..yes…for those of you who don’t know that translates from Manitoban to English as “sheep screw”). We’re pushing a book that talks about the code and environmental issues that you may encounter when working on a brownfield application. Today we reached a milestone. We (well, the publisher) has released the first of our MEAP (Manning Early Access Program) copies of the book. More on the book can be found at its site (www.manning.com/baley) and the first chapter (free for you cheap buggers) is available here (www.manning-source.com/books/baley/baley_meapch1.pdf). We also have a set of forums available for discussion of the book topics, any errors that you may have found or questions that you have. That is available at: www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=436

Feel free to let us know what you think. Personally I like the dude on the cover. He looks like he could hold his own in a pub with me.