This has been sitting on my desk for a while and I feel like I’ve been ignoring a good thing. JetBrains has setup a site that they’re calling the JetBrains Development Academy. The whole purpose of it is to provide information and knowledge to developers in many different areas. The content on the .Net side is a little thin right now, but we will continue to flush that out as we work in the Academy. I’d recommend taking a little bit of time and looking through the sections that have been setup already. There’s some good information on different techniques, practices and tools. Drop by and take a look. Shoot me an email (donald-dot-belcham-at-gmail-dot-com) if you have any questions, thoughts or ideas about the content. Just to preclude one set of questions…No I don’t know when ReSharper 4 is going to RTM.
I do have to thank the folks over at JetBrains for writing some awesome profiles for the Academy Members and Board Members. mmmm……smooth like scotch…..