Last night I finished up my final presentation on a tour of the Maritime User Groups. This was the first time that I’d been out to the Maritimes and I had a blast during the whole trip. Unfortunately, the need for travel from one town to the next pretty much meant I wasn’t getting to see anything along the way. Luckily the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick leg of the trip was done via car and I was able to see some of the landscapes during the trip.
I started out in St. John’s Newfoundland at the St. John’s User Group and fololwed that up with stops in Halifax Nova Scotia at the DevEast group, Moncton New Brunswick at the DevEast group and lastly the Fredericton .NET User Group in Fredericton New Brunswick. In all places I met passionate, practical developers who are looking to do the best that they can to grow and deliver software.
For those that attended and would like the slide deck, it can be downloaded here.
Thanks to Derek Hatchard for setting up the tour and the UG leads (Derek, Amanda Murphy, Jason Row and Daniel Crenna) for having me at their groups. If you’re in the Atlantic provinces of Canada and are a developer, these are the people that are driving your community forward.