
Branching for success

I’ve always struggled while trying to explain to teams and organizations how to setup their version control system so that the project can succeed. Ask almost any business person and they want the dev team to be able to release both at a scheduled steady pace (versioned releases) and spontaneously when needed (hotfixes). Most organizations that I’ve dealt with have a very naïve version control plan and struggle immensely once projects head to production. Usually they flail around removing partially completed, or untested, features so that a hotfix can be released quickly. After they get the hotfix pushed to production they flail away ensuring (and not always succeeding) that the hotfix will be included in the next scheduled release.

For anyone that has seen this, it’s an unmaintainable work pattern. As the application becomes more complex, ensuring that the product is stable when a hotfix is required becomes a game of chance and luck. To many organizations pour endless time (and ultimately money) into maintaining this situation in a (perceived) working state.

A solid branching pattern can help ease the pain. Don’t get me wrong, branching won’t solve the problem for you by itself. You have to have a plan. How and when do we branch? Where to we branch from and where do we merge back to? What conventions do we have in place to identify the different branch purposes? All of these things need to be standardized on a team (at a minimum) before branching has a hope of enabling a team to do what every business seems to want.

I won’t try to explain my branching policies on projects. All I’d be doing is duplicating the work by Vincent Driessen over at nvie.com http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/