Understanding the Basics
Oren‘s been creating a lot of discussion on the web recently with his thought provoking and, apparently, controversial blog posts. One of his more recent posts hits on the topic of tools being a
Oren‘s been creating a lot of discussion on the web recently with his thought provoking and, apparently, controversial blog posts. One of his more recent posts hits on the topic of tools being a
We were lucky enough, with the help of MSDN Canada and DevTeach (thanks Wendy and Jean-Rene), to have Roy Osherove of ISerializable.com in Edmonton to talk on Agile software development. Roy was
Roy Osherove just arrived in town for his Edmug presentation tomorrow (May 22nd). We’re going to be out tonight at Ric’s Grill downtown (104th Street and 102nd Ave.) at 7:30 pm. There will
Okay, it was noted today by Wendy that although attending the BoF on Pair Programming, no notes were posted here. I can’t speak for everyone, but my thought is that the BoF session was one
Can you fetch that for me? Eric Cote to Wendy (Hot Agilista) Large, succulient balls? (Active Nick) I’ve got nuts in my throat. (Sean Solback) I have a question. How is it that I
DevTeach came to a close today. For some it was probably earlier than for others. For me, it is ending at 3am after an evening of amazing conversation, great laughs, good food and good dri
Starting early cause he has too much to go through for the allotted time. You don’t need CAB to do large maintainable apps. UI code is time intensive. It deals with an extremely unpredictable ex
So I missed part 1 of this session and I walked into this one late, so I’m feeling a little lost in the first demo of the slot. Silverlight has it’s own networking stack that works through
Complexity kills There are problems that technology, no matter how new, will not solve. Scalability isn’t always about hardware. It could be about scaling the size of the developer team. Eleganc
Mario is going to record his presentation and posting it at his blog (www.mariocardinal.com). Architecture establishes the context for implementation. Damn Jeremy Miller!!! His big head is now b
I sat in on this presentation yesterday and didn’t live blog it as I needed a typing break. Roy’s presentation was great. If you’ve never seen it before, I’ve posted a link to a TechEd Eur
We’re paid to create business value (amen). Finding bugs does not create any business value. Fixing bugs creates the business value. Preventing bugs creates more business value. Brian Marick’s test ty
Wow….nobody is in Oren’s presentation. They must be getting their heads exploded in JP’s. Wow…Oren just said he posts at his blog “every now and then”. Interaction based testing does have any st
This could be interesting in more ways that one. And he starts with the “I don’t feel embarrassed about perfect feedback scores” statement. Sub title on the presentation is From Unit Testing to Behavi
FIT can be used for both ASP.NET and WinForms applications. This is a very good book according to Jeremy. What’s wrong with traditional requirements BAs create an English language spec doc.
I had to walk over from my hotel to the conference hotel (about 5 blocks) like every other day. I looked out the window this morning and saw that it was raining, but I wasn’t prepared for the wi
This is a methodology. It should be used like a design pattern. “We think most process initiatives are silly. Well intentioned managers and teams get so wrapped up in executing process tha
Roy’s writing a book. The Art of Unit Testing. Sample chapter available. Why should I care Automated testing and regressions, data layer also can contain logic and the cost of change
In agile you want: ROI Good enough design make best design possible, but don’t spend years on it* flexible delivery options customer doesn’t know what they want they learn as the project goes be
Roy will accept your emails, but he doesn’t guarantee that he will read them. The presentation is going to follow an agile method. We’re choosing the list of topics, then we get to vote on them
Jean-Rene has started and is announcing that DevTeach will be a twice yearly event. The next show is in Vancouver Nov 26th to Nov 30th. JR rocks. Yesterday he said that he was worrie
Folks, if you aren’t going to DevTeach next week you really need to. The content is fantastic, the venue is remarkable and the city is spectacular. Top that off with good proximity to Rue
On Friday afternoon I noticed that our CC.Net server had stopped working. I spent the entire afternoon looking into the cause of the problem to no avail. Finally I resigned the idea that I