

I’ve built enough applications to know that the UI acceptable to the developer is completely non-functional for the end user. In my VB6 life I built a number of wizard based work flows for applicatio

And we wait

It appears MS has decided to<ahref=”http://news.com.com/Microsoft+delays+tool%2C+database+updates/2100-1007_3-5628166.html?tag=cd.top"&gt;delay the releases</a> of VS 2005 and SQL 20

The ***

Found this on <ahref=”http://www.thespoke.net/MyBlog/Bernard/MyBlog.aspx">AnotherDay in the Antz Farm</a>.  Thanks to Bernard You keep asking us who called the cook a bastard; wh

VB.NET Coding Guidelines

<a href=”http://addressof.com/blog/">Cory Smith</a> haspublished a <ahref=”http://addressof.com/blog/articles/CodingGuidelines.aspx">manifesto</a&gt;for coding guide

Emotional Software

I watched part of Mr. Holland’s Opus tonight (Movie Night in Canada –please bring back hockey!) and one of the things that I startedthinking about was how communication is so much more effective whend

Sherlock Holmes

If anyone is Edmonton and your feeling parched, a stop at the <ahref=”http://www.thesherlockholmes.com/">Sherlock Holmes</a>downtown is a must.  I visited this Thursday past and

Computing in 2004

I saw this <ahref=”http://www.bearcanyon.com/etc/HomeComputerEvolution.jpg">posted</a&gt;on <a href=”http://pluralsight.com/blogs/mike/">Mike Woodring’sblog</a>.&nbs

Why I like VB

When I was working in Australia, I was asked by non-technial types whatdevelopment tools we had used to create our software.  I casuallyreponded with VB, SQL and Crystal.  The blankly looked

Crystal Reports vs Active Reports

This blog post is from 2005 and has not been updated for newer versions of these products. Update One of the things I’ve since found, while using Active Reports, is a very poor implementation of expor


I have become what I fear.  Today while creating a data structure,I created a foreign key field that allowed NULL values.  I knowwhat you are saying to yourself as you read this, so see this