
.NET training in Edmonton

When you live out here in the hinterland, good software development training is hard to come by.  When it does roll around it’s usually not for the technology or tools that you’re using.  Times are changing.

JP Boodhoo is coming to Edmonton the week of February 19th to 23rd to put on a comprehensive training course on .NET development.  If you’ve seen JP present you know what you’re going to miss by not attending this course.  If you haven’t I’ll tell you.  You’ll miss passionate diatribes about the .NET Framework, Visual Studio and ReSharper.  You’ll miss techniques and ideas that will tie your knickers in a knot while you’re wearing them.  You’ll miss having the opportunity to sit in the same room with good looking, sexy (in a sultry, I-implemented-interface-years-ago kind of way) .NET developers like me.

Now if you’re one of my co-workers you probably don’t want to miss this opportunity to get your hands on the throat of a developer who once represented the company that has made you hate right-clicking and selecting “Go to Definition”.