
A view on the economics of software development

Certainly thisisn’t the full encapsulation of the economics of software development,but it certainly is the portion that we developers are most likely tosee clearly.  I know that I was in the “bu

Design Patterns

K. Scott Allen’s design pattern explaination for bar rooms.

Edmonton VS 2005, SQL 2005 and BT 2006 Launch

Today I spent the day at the Edmonton Launch event.  The sessionswere fairly interesting, the swag was great and the check-in anddeparture processes were horrific.  Pictures courtesy of Sash

Today's the day of the teddy bear picnic

It’s picnic time in the forest folks and all the little ants are goingto be showing up to take a piece of it away.  Last night I was outat the MS/.Net User Group VIP event (I felt so VIPish).&nbs

Damn shoelaces

Don’t you just hate it when you go to tie your shoes and you’re greetedwith a pleasant snap followed by a lessening of resistance in one arm(two if it is going to be an excessively crappy day)? 

The silence has been deafening

For the last few weeks I’ve been busier than all get out at work andthus haven’t been posting much.  We’ve been working to push thefirst release of our software to the client’s productionenvironm

I'm all geeked up

Yep. I did it. I relived the pressures of my Math 8 final. I’m pretty sure I perspired a bit more at the real final though. I don’t know who this mm53bar guy is, but damn he’s starting to freak me o

MSMQ Triggers and COM Components

The other day I found that any emails you were sending me weren’tgetting through.  One of the emails sitting purgatory was arequest for more info on how to make MSMQ triggers call a COMcomponent.

Programmer Characteristics

I'm sure you've all seen or made jokes about the things that make us programmers such a unique bunch.  Things like socially inept, introverted, and fashionably challenged.  Sure, you

Damn Email

I hadn’t noticed that the email for this darn place wasn’tworking.  You could contact me, but your email would end up inpurgatory.  I also noticed that comments had been disabled. I thi