VS .Net 2003 IDE wackiness
For the past couple of days, we’ve run into this problem at work wherethe VS IDE was acting really weird. If you edited something inthe design window, and went back to the code window, none of t
For the past couple of days, we’ve run into this problem at work wherethe VS IDE was acting really weird. If you edited something inthe design window, and went back to the code window, none of t
I’ve had to determine the answer to this question in a number ofdifferent applications that I’ve worked on. Most recently it wasVisual Studio .Net 2003. What I ended up doing was creating a simp
I was working in depth with this product today for the first time andfound some interesting anomolies. There is a Selection Modesetting for the control that is called ListBox. The documnta
This is a great follow up article illustrating the wide variety of unorthodox names pinned to teams around the world. <a href=”http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2005/02/18/1108709429228.html">
Since this is supposed to be tech blog, I should start including alittle more tech and a little less crap. Here are a couple oflinks for some software that will script database differences. <
A very Happy Valentine to all you out there. If you’re in thesame boat as me (paddling with one oar), drop by your favourite spiritshop and get yourself a little self-love present. Perhaps
In the past I worked in an environment that had a very fast developmentpace which created high stress and, ultimately, some developerturnover. My current job is not like that at all and this is
<span style=”;font-family:Arial;font-size:100%;” ><spanstyle=”;font-family:Arial;” >It has now been proven in practice, aswell as theory, that no matter where I work, women will goss
Today interesting quip was spewed forth during a security systemarchitecture meeting. Don’t get me wrong here. I’m all for security insoftware, and I’ve written a couple of security modules for financ
Today I was “schooled” on the problems with using 3rd party controls ina software project. The arguments were valid, if you hadn’t evergone through the process of using a 3rd party control.