
IIS7 & WCF error

If you’re getting: HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be do

Brownfield Application Development Training Course

Over the last few months people have been asking about training on the fundamental practices that I use when doing software development. In combination with the soon to be pending (honest, it’s al

Is the Iron Triangle Accurate?

The Iron Triangle is a common way to refer to the different aspects of a software development project. In his great article, The “Broken Iron Triangle” Software Development Anti-Pattern, Scott Ambler

Victoria Code Camp wrap-up

As always the Victoria Code Camp was a great success and loads of fun. The biggest disappointment was that the weather back here in Alberta wasn’t worse, thus making Victoria’s temperate days more ap

SRP at Edmug

Last night at Edmug Dave Woods, Jason Hunt, Jonas Avellena, Steven Rockarts and I presented on the different components of Uncle Bob’s S.O.L.I.D principles. My responsibility was the SRP portion. I

Maritime User Group Tour '08 Wrapup

Last night I finished up my final presentation on a tour of the Maritime User Groups. This was the first time that I’d been out to the Maritimes and I had a blast during the whole trip. Unfortunatel

Fall events

It seems that every spring and fall the developer world seems to ramp up and developers around the world flock to conferences and user group events. For me this usually means I’m out and about for th

Anonymous Access to SVN Repository for IglooCommons

I’ve had a problem with the anonymous access settings for my VisualSVN installation that is hosting IglooCommons. It just didn’t work without prompting for credentials. Understandably, no one seemed

Recruiting firms

My past experience with recruiters has been at a level that I put on par with my recent experiences with newbies to my team. Today I got this from a guy I know who just changed jobs through a new rec

Starting projects

I had an experience today that made me…well…flat out fucking angry. When you start working with a new team, on a new project, at a new company…heck whenever someone can point at you and call you the